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Root Canal

Treat The Infected Tooth Nerves through Root Canal Treatment Fairfield

When bacteria penetrate the centre of the tooth or the pulp, which includes blood vessels and sensitive nerves inside root canals can become infected and inflamed, causing pain. And if this issue is left untreated for a long time, an abscess can develop at the root tip. Next, the bacteria can spread to the jawbone and other parts of the body. And the root canal treatment is the most effective way to treat this issue while saving the tooth structure. In this treatment process, the affected pulp is removed, and the nerve canals are cleaned with an anti-bacterial preparation followed by the placement of temporary filling inside the tooth until getting a permanent filling or crown. So, if you want to save your teeth with a root canal treatment in Fairfield and are looking for a good dental clinic where you can get the treatment done, Optim Dental is your ideal destination. 


Symptoms for which you need root canal treatment:

  • Spontaneous or unprovoked pain in the tooth

  • Tooth loosening

  • Foods and hot and cold items cause sensitivity.

  • Facial swelling

  • Ache in the tooth while biting or chewing.

  • Swelling in the gums surrounded by the affected tooth.

Benefits of Root Canal Treatment

Despite its reputation as an uncomfortable procedure, root canal treatment offers several benefits that can improve oral health and overall well-being. Some of the benefits include:


  • Relief from pain: One of the primary reasons for undergoing a root canal is to alleviate tooth pain. When the tooth pulp becomes infected or damaged, it can cause severe and persistent toothaches. Root canal treatment removes the infected pulp, eliminating the source of pain and providing long-lasting relief.


  • Preservation of natural tooth: The goal of root canal treatment is to save your natural tooth rather than extracting it. Preserving your natural tooth has numerous advantages, such as maintaining proper chewing function, preventing neighbouring teeth from shifting, and avoiding the need for tooth replacement options like dental implants or bridges.


  • Improved oral health: By eliminating the infection within the tooth, root canal treatment helps improve your oral health. The infected pulp can spread to surrounding tissues, leading to abscesses, bone loss, and gum disease. By addressing the problem at its source, root canal treatment prevents further oral health complications.


  • Efficient and cost-effective: Root canal treatment is a relatively quick and efficient procedure, typically requiring one to three visits to the dentist. Compared to the alternative of tooth extraction followed by tooth replacement options, such as implants or bridges, root canal treatment is often a more cost-effective solution in the long run.


  • Aesthetics and function: Restoring a tooth with a root canal often involves placing a dental crown or filling to strengthen and protect the tooth. These restorations enhance the tooth's strength and improve its appearance. It allows you to maintain a natural-looking smile while ensuring proper chewing and speaking functions.

  • Prevents further complications: If left untreated, infected, or damaged tooth pulp can lead to severe complications. The complication may include the formation of abscesses, facial swelling, and the spread of infection to other parts of the body. Root canal treatment addresses the underlying issue, preventing these complications and protecting your overall health.


At Optim Dental, we follow the latest techniques for root canal treatment in Sydney that make the entire process painless. Even if the decay has affected the tooth nerve, and you are facing significant pain, then we can help you with the latest root canal technique, where the tooth is mummified to relieve the nerve pain.


So, if you are looking for root canal treatment in Sydney, contact us to arrange appointments with our dentists. We will perform the necessary assessments and answer all your concerns or questions about this issue and treatment.


What Does the Root Canal Procedure Involve?

A root canal procedure, or endodontic treatment, is a dental procedure used to treat an infected or damaged tooth. 


At Optim Dental, we use the latest technology available in Sydney to perform root canal treatment. Generally, our root canal treatment process involves 1-3 dental visits. But if you have a persistent infection in your tooth, or it's challenging to clean your root canal, you may have to visit us a few more times to get the expected outcome.


Here's a step-by-step overview of what typically happens when our root canal dentist performs the procedure:


  1. Examination and X-rays: Our dentist will examine your tooth and may take X-rays to assess the extent of the infection or damage. It helps in planning the treatment.

  2. Local anaesthesia: Our root canal dentist will administer local anaesthesia to numb the area around the affected tooth before starting the procedure. It ensures that you won't feel any pain during the procedure.

  3. Rubber dam placement: A rubber dam is a small sheet of rubber or vinyl placed over the tooth being treated. It acts as a protective barrier, isolating the tooth from saliva and keeping it clean and dry during the procedure.

  4. Accessing the root canal: Our dentist will create a small opening in the crown of your tooth, usually using a dental drill. It allows access to the pulp chamber and the root canal system inside the tooth.

  5. Removing infected tissue: Using specialised instruments called files, we will carefully remove the infected or damaged pulp tissue from the root canals. The canals are then shaped and cleaned to remove any remaining debris or bacteria.

  6. Irrigation: Throughout the procedure, our dentist will use an irrigation solution to flush out debris and disinfect the root canal system. It helps eliminate bacteria and reduces the risk of reinfection.

  7. Filling the root canals: Once the root canals are thoroughly cleaned and shaped, they are filled with a biocompatible material. The biocompatible material is placed in a rubbery form into the canals. It helps seal them to prevent further infection.

  8. Restoration of the tooth: After the root canal treatment, the access opening in the tooth is filled with a temporary or permanent filling material. A dental crown is often recommended to provide strength, protection and restore the tooth's appearance.

  9. Follow-up care: After the root canal procedure, you may be prescribed antibiotics if there is an active infection. It's important to follow good oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups, to maintain the health of the treated tooth and surrounding tissues.

It's worth noting that the exact steps and techniques used during a root canal procedure may vary depending on the specific case and the dentist's approach. The goal of the procedure is to remove the infection, relieve pain, and save the natural tooth, avoiding the need for extraction.


In some cases, we take X-rays to plan the customised approach for root canal treatment. It helps to reveal the size, number, depth of roots, and curvature. It also determines the complexity of the cases. Even if you require some specialised treatments, we can refer you to Dr Raed Said.

Usually, a root canal is performed with a local anaesthetic, which is beneficial in conducting the treatment without hassle. Being one of the best dental clinics in Fairfield, we always prioritise the peace of mind and comfort of the patients. We know well that patients often feel anxious during a root canal. So, we often offer mild sedatives to improve the procedure.


Root Canal Cost Sydney?

When it comes to root canal treatment cost in Sydney, various factors come into play, such as the number of canals that need to be filled and whether a crown is necessary. At Optim Dental, we prioritise delivering the most budget-friendly root canal treatment in Fairfield. Our goal is to ensure you receive the highest quality of care while keeping affordability in mind.


To assist you in exploring your options and making informed decisions, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our team of highly qualified root canal dentists. With our extensive knowledge and experience in the field, we will provide you with personalised attention and guidance throughout your treatment journey.


We intend to create a comfortable and relaxing environment where you can comfortably discuss your concerns, ask questions, and consider the best course of action for your dental health. Thus, when you visit our clinic for root canal treatment, you can expect a warm and welcoming environment.


At Maxim Dental, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional root canal therapy. We focus on addressing your dental needs within your budget. Contact us to schedule a consultation.

Root Canal Before and After - What to Expect?

Before Root Canal Treatment:

The image showcases a severely damaged tooth with visible signs of decay. The tooth appears discoloured, indicating infection or trauma. The enamel is eroded, exposing the underlying dentin, and there may be visible cracks or chips on the tooth surface. The surrounding gum tissue might appear red, swollen, or inflamed, indicating an active infection. This image highlights the urgent need for root canal treatment to save the tooth and alleviate the pain or discomfort associated with the condition.

After Root Canal Treatment:

The image showcases a tooth undergoing successful root canal treatment. The tooth appears healthier and restored, with a natural colour and smooth surface. The decayed or infected pulp has been removed from the root canals and thoroughly cleaned and sealed to prevent further infection. The surrounding gum tissue appears healthy and pink, indicating the resolution of any previous inflammation. This image demonstrates the effectiveness of root canal treatment in saving the tooth and restoring its functionality, providing long-term relief, and preserving dental health.


Contact Us

At Optim Dental, we understand the importance of preserving your natural teeth and maintaining your dental health. If you're in need of root canal treatment, our skilled and compassionate team is here to provide exceptional care. 


Our commitment to your dental well-being goes beyond the treatment itself. We prioritise patient education and strive to empower you with the knowledge to maintain optimal oral health. We will discuss any additional treatments, such as dental crowns, if necessary, to protect and restore the treated tooth.


Contact us today at 02 9726 6262 to schedule a consultation and experience our personalised approach to root canal treatment. Let us help you save your natural tooth, alleviate pain, and restore your beautiful smile with our exceptional dental care.


Our Address

Shop 2 & 3, 376 Horsley Drive,

Fairfield NSW 2165

Tel: 02 9726 6262

Opening Hours

NB Please call to confirm your appointment

Getting Here

A moments walk from the Smart Street shopping area

Five minutes walk from Fairfield Station

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